BRAND | Orbitkey
It started with a simple idea. Inspired by intentional living and contemporary industrial design. Charles Ng and Rex Kuo had a simple idea to solve the frustration they had with their noisy pockets, cluttered bags, and messy keys.
They were excited, but didn't know if others would believe in their solution. In 2013, they introduced Orbitkey to the crowd-funding community and were thrilled to see 5000 people believe in their vision by the end of the 30-day Kickstarter campaign.
Their careers in pharmacy and industrial design were put aside to dedicate their efforts and focus on the world of organisation.
They were excited, but didn't know if others would believe in their solution. In 2013, they introduced Orbitkey to the crowd-funding community and were thrilled to see 5000 people believe in their vision by the end of the 30-day Kickstarter campaign.
Their careers in pharmacy and industrial design were put aside to dedicate their efforts and focus on the world of organisation.
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